
Can dogs eat this? – 15 foods that are dangerous for dogs

We endeavour to deliver the best information possible on natural health and diets for dogs and cats. Our articles involve contributions from senior veterinarians and are researched thoroughly. They remain the opinion of Vets All Natural however and we always recommend seeking professional advice specific to your pet from a veterinarian.

Chances are you’ve heard of a dog who’s been sick from eating chocolate, but how much are you aware of other foods that are dangerous for dogs?

Can dogs eat chocolate?

Let’s start with the most widely known, chocolate contains theobromine, a chemical that acts as a cardiac stimulant and can affect the lungs, kidneys and central nervous system. The level of toxicity relates to the type of chocolate – milk chocolate being less toxic than dark chocolate. Small amounts of chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and unusual levels of thirst while large quantities can induce tremors, hyperactivity, respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

Are apples safe for dogs?

The casing of apple seeds contain amygdlin which releases cyanide when digested. It only really causes an issue in large quantities and when chewed but its best to still core and seed apples before feeding them to your dog. So apples are safe only when they’ve been cored and seeded.

Can dogs consume caffeine?

Dogs are more sensitive to caffeine than humans – ingestion of a moderate amount can cause damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys and central nervous system and trigger hyperactivity, vomiting, staggering gait, muscle tremors and convulsions

Is sweetcorn and corn on the cob safe for dogs?

Corn on the cob is a sure way to get your dog’s intestine blocked, the corn is digested (although avoid very large quantities) but the cob can lodge in the small intestine requiring surgical removal. So sweetcorn is fine in moderate amounts but avoid the cob.

Can dogs eat fat trimmings?

Excessively large amounts of fat at one time can cause pancreatitis so avoid feeding it to dogs

Are grapes and raisins safe for dogs?

Grape skins can contain a toxin created by a fungus that can cause severe liver damage and kidney failure, even from just a handful of grapes or raisins. Therefore make sure they’re out of the reach of dogs

Can dogs eat hops?

Hops can cause panting, an increased heart rate, fever, seizures and even death

Are macadamia nuts safe?

Although the macadamia nut poisoning is not usually fatal it can cause uncomfortable symptoms in dogs including weakness, drunken gait and joint swelling

Can dogs drink milk and eat cheese?

Many dogs are lactose intolerant and so dairy consumption can lead to some smelly farts and diarrhoea

Are mushrooms safe for dogs?

Just as the wrong mushroom can be fatal to humans, the same applies to dogs

Can dogs eat onions and garlic?

Onions contain thiosulphate, which is highly poisonous to dogs and causes haemolytic anaemia – the destruction of red blood cells, leading to weakness, vomiting, blood in urine and breathlessness. They’re particularly dangerous when raw. Note garlic also contains thiosuplhate but in smaller amounts so is safe in moderate quantities, particularly when dried, and does have health benefits

Are rhubarb and tomato leaves safe?

Rhubarb and tomato leaves contain oxolates which can adversely affect the digestive, nervous and urinary systems

Can dogs eat sugar?

As with humans, too much sugar leads to dental issues, obesity and even diabetes

Can dogs consume Xylitol?

Xylitol is a type of artificial sweetener commonly found in sugar-free chewing gum and baked goods. This can stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin leading to hypoglycaemia, disorientation, seizures and even fatal liver damage.

Can dogs eat avocado?

This one is a contentious one – a toxin called persin is present in small quantities and could cause discomfort and vomiting in pets, however they would likely need to eat quite a bit. A bigger danger is probably the pit which could cause a nasty choking hazard. Therefore they are best kept out of reach of dogs.

We endeavour to deliver the best information possible on natural health and diets for dogs and cats. Our articles involve contributions from senior veterinarians and are researched thoroughly. They remain the opinion of Vets All Natural however and we would always recommend seeking professional advice specific to your pet from a veterinarian. © Copyright 2015 Vets All Natural. All Rights Reserved

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